What further training opportunities do our customers and our cooperation network want?

In order to determine the current demand for further training opportunities in the field of human resources, we conducted a survey as part of the development of our latest project, the Metakomm Academy.

The Metakomm Academy aims to offer companies, organisations and private individuals high-quality continuing education measures that meet the requirements of today’s working world. Due to the increasing demand for qualified further training offers, we would like to use the Metakomm Academy to give people in the working world space and opportunity for reflection and further development in order to meet the challenges of the constantly changing working world.

The survey, which was conducted among 63 HR experts, participants in our trainings, managers and colleagues, provided valuable insights for the strategy and offer orientation of our Metakomm Academy and describes what is currently in demand in the area of professional development.

Which topics are currently evoking the greatest interest in continuing education?

First, we wanted to find out which topics are currently of particular interest. For this purpose, 9 topics were identified that we encounter repeatedly in our daily work and on which we are asked as experts.

Metakomm - What content is particularly interesting for our customers

Metakomm – What content is particularly interesting for our customers

The top 3: Leadership development, team development, agile collaboration

Our analysis showed that the areas of leadership development, team development, agile collaboration, resilience, communication and dealing with change are particularly in demand:
It is not surprising that these areas are currently in particular demand. In a rapidly changing and complex business world, companies face the challenge of adapting to new demands and remaining successful. Strong leadership, well-functioning teams and flexible working methods are crucial factors for success in this environment.

Leadership development is of great importance, as skilled and inspiring leaders can set the direction for the company and motivate employees. In an era where change is the order of the day, leaders need to be agile, drive change and lead teams through uncertainty and complexity.

Team development is equally crucial, as teams are the driving force behind innovation, efficiency and collaboration. Well-functioning teams can complement each other, create synergies and achieve common goals. Companies are increasingly recognising the value of strong team development to improve employee performance and collaboration.

The demand for agile collaboration reflects the need to be more flexible and adaptable. Agile methods enable companies to respond quickly to change, introduce iterative processes and increase efficiency. Given the dynamic business environment, companies are looking for ways to implement agile working and foster collaboration across departments.

Other high rankings: resilience, communication, managing change

The importance of resilience, communication and managing change for businesses is also critical in today’s environment:

Resilience refers to the ability of an individual or organisation to bounce back from challenges, setbacks and stress and emerge even stronger. In a rapidly changing business environment where uncertainty and turbulence are commonplace, resilience is critical to developing flexibility, adaptability and resilience. Companies that have a resilient culture are better able to deal with difficulties, adapt and remain successful.

Effective communication is a fundamental building block for organisational success. Clear and transparent communication promotes understanding, strengthens relationships, prevents misunderstandings and improves collaboration. In times of change and uncertainty, open and honest communication is especially important to inform employees, alleviate fears and maintain a sense of belonging and commitment.

Change is inevitable in today’s business world. Companies need to be able to adapt to new realities, drive innovation and keep pace with disruptive developments. Dealing with change requires flexibility, adaptability and the ability to mobilise and motivate employees. Companies that have a positive attitude towards change and involve their employees in the change process can gain a competitive advantage and strengthen their long-term performance.

Which other topic areas reflect a current need?

In addition to conducting the ranking of these 9 topic areas, we also included an additional open question in the survey to find out which topics are also currently of interest to participants. The aim of this open question was to reflect the comprehensive spectrum of the current discourse through a diversity of perspectives. By following this inclusive method, we were able to ensure that no important voice was overlooked, and a comprehensive representation of current interests was guaranteed.

When analysing the open-ended survey results, the topics of development perspectives in elderly age,employee welfare, cross-cultural understanding, and mindfulness and self-reflection on the job were identified as important areas.

The interest in these topics reflects the current needs and challenges faced by companies and employees.

Development perspectives in elderly age: In view of demographic change and an ageing workforce, promoting development opportunities for older employees is becoming increasingly important. Companies recognise the value and potential of older employees’ experience and expertise and are looking for ways to develop their skills and maximise their contributions.

Employee wellbeing: The wellbeing of employees and the care of their physical and mental health are critical factors for engagement, productivity and long-term success.

Cross-Cultural Understanding: In a globalised business world, understanding and being able to work together in cross-cultural teams is increasingly important. Companies strive to create a climate of cultural understanding and collaboration in order to value diversity and benefit from the different perspectives and experiences of employees.

Mindfulness and self-reflection on the job: Mindfulness and self-reflection are gaining importance as approaches to increase personal well-being and emotional intelligence in the workplace. Companies are recognising the value of mindfulness techniques and promoting conscious practices that can improve stress management, emotional intelligence and resilience.

Preferences in the training design of the continuing education measures

In addition to content-related aspects, we also wanted to find out which training design of the continuing education measures is preferred:
The following preferences were indicated:

  • The preference for optimal length of training measures is ideally felt to be between 2 and 4 hours, rather than longer lasting ones.
  • A division into several modules is preferred, instead of one longer training.
  • Preference is given to that trainings are conducted in the morning rather than at noon or in the evening. In addition, there were also voices in favor of trainings outside regular working hours.
  • There is a preference for face-to-face training over virtual training. However, a combination of both formats was also considered interesting.
  • The ideal group size for training was in the range of 6 to 10 participants, which ensures an effective learning and interaction process.
  • Finally, we wanted to find out whether a subsequent community building could be interesting, since the participants can remain in exchange after the training measures: There was some interest, but not overwhelming. There is an openness to the idea of a community, but the respondents did not put excessive focus on it.

Acknowledgements to the participants of our Metakomm survey

Finally, we would like to sincerely thank all respondents for their participation in our survey. The valuable insights and opinions contribute significantly to a better understanding of the needs of the modern workplace.

We look forward to incorporating the insights gained into our new project, the Metakomm Academy. With the feedback, we will be able to specifically address the current interests and requirements in the field of human resources and develop a tailor-made training offer.

We will be happy to report on further developments of the Metakomm Academy in the coming months.

However, the results of this survey should not only be relevant for Metakomm, but can also serve as an indicator and inspiration for other companies, organizations and individuals.

We hope, that the identified topics and preferences can also offer you an indicative insight into the needs of current continuing education measures and provide impulses for future developments.

Ines Schmitz for Team Metakomm

Would you like to learn more about the Metakomm Academy? We would be happy to support you.
Feel free to contact us here.